Your Business Ally
Your Business Ally
One stop solution for small business owners and private practice professionals.
I want to get started? How do I go about it?
To get started, please contact Your Business Ally and tell her more about what you need. It is recommended that you first try out working with her for 6 hours and see if she is a good fit. Please check the a la carte menu to view details of the services she provides.
How many hours must I sign up for?
After the 5 hour trial, you may sign up for a minimum of 5 hours for each project or task you want Your Business Ally to undertake. Click here for more details.
What is the VIP Lounge page in this website?
The VIP Lounge page in this website is an exclusive page that is accessible only by a certain group of Your Business Ally's existing customers. The page provides you access to your Payment Portal, Project Management area, extra favors, special announcements and resources from Your Business Ally. Non-trial customers whom she works for at least 15 hours per month will have access to this page.
Does Your Business Ally adhere to Non Disclosure Agreement?
Yes. Your Business Ally understands that some information such as intellectual property, trade secrets, etc. should not go into the wrong hands, thus, keeping her client's information safe and confidential is of utmost importance to her. Please send your Non Disclosure Agreement. Your Business Ally is prepared to sign and be committed to it.
What is a Service Agreement?
A Service Agreement is a written document which outlines the type of services that Your Business Ally is to provide to you, the specifics on when and how they are to be provided, the costs involved plus each party's responsibilities during the whole duration of the project or task. It also defines the relationship between you and Your Business Ally.